A Guide to Keeping Kids Safe: How to Protect Your Children Against Common Threats

Do you want to make sure your children are safe? Here are some tips on how to avoid common accidents and how to keep your children safe from threats.

In 2013, more than 50% of injury-related deaths in children ages 1-14 were caused by accidental injuries. These include falls, motor vehicle accidents, suffocation, poisoning, drowning, fires, and burns. Injuries can also cause long-term disability or death.

How to keep children safe from the noise

Noise pollution is a significant danger to children's health. Loud noise can damage hearing, cause anxiety and insomnia, and lead to cardiovascular disease. Children should not be exposed to noise louder than 85 dB, which is about as loud as a vacuum cleaner or dishwasher running in the next room.


Injuries are a common threat to children. When accidents happen, they can be severe and sometimes fatal. To prevent injuries in children's lives, do not let them play near stairs or other hard surfaces without supervision; store household chemicals up high and out of reach; use barriers on staircases and banisters; install gates at the top and bottom.

What is an injury?

An injury is when you hurt your body. You can see it on the skin on the outside, like a bruise or cut. You can feel pain and see damage in your muscles, bone, or organs on the inside.

A common type of injury is an "acute" injury that happens in one moment. An example of this would be when you hit the corner of the table.

Another type of injury is an "overuse" injury which happens over time due to repetitive motion or stress on joints or tissues. For example, this might be caused by carrying heavy bags all day long.

How do injuries happen in children's lives?

Injuries happen in children's lives in many different ways. Falls, motor vehicle accidents, suffocation, poisoning, drowning, fires, and burns are common for injuries to happen.

How to prevent injuries in children's lives

Falls: Falls are one of the most common causes of injury in children. This is because young children still lack the physical coordination to walk without stumbling. To prevent falls, make sure your child wears shoes with a good grip and make sure all floors are free from hazards.

Car accidents: Car accident injuries are also very common in children. Studies have shown that children under age eight who ride in cars without a booster seat or seatbelt are 40% more likely to be injured in a car accident. This is because they are at risk of being injured by airbag deployment and being thrown from their seats during a crash. To prevent these injuries, always seat the child in the booster seat. When he grows up he will use the normal seat belt.

Children should not always play near stairs or other hard surfaces without supervision; store household chemicals up high and out of reach; install gates at the top and bottom of staircases and banisters; etcetera.


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