Parents can protect their children from cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is dangerous and we must stop it before it affects our children physically or mentall. It can have lasting effects on the victims, their families, friends, and the bullies themselves. But it happens. It happens because parents are not doing enough to protect their kids. Unfortunately, children don't always tell their parents about what is happening with cyberbullying. Still, if parents know what to look for, they can watch for warning signs and identify when something is going wrong before it becomes a bigger problem. What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is simple , it is harassment that occurs through networks. It can happen through social media, text messages, instant messaging, email, etc. Essentially, any time one person or group of people is verbally or emotionally abusing another person or group of people by sending hurtful messages through the internet. Why would a child bully another child online? Most common reasons why children bully: - They like to manipul...